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We all love this game. We wouldn’t be upset if we didn’t.

Like many of us, I've been playing this game for years. I've been around for it all. Been blasted by cheaters, desync, ping exploiters, stream snipers, and exit campers. But, I kept coming back, like a lot of us have.

We all have the right to be upset after spending some sum of money on this gem of a game. We all have a ton in common here. We all started out terrible at this game. We all died a hundred or thousands of times and lots of hundreds, if not billions of roubles. Yet, we keep playing and we keep trying. Yet, here we all are calling anyone who defends the devs fanboys and anyone who complains a cry baby. We're a community, albeit a very toxic one. Reddit has always been a place for people to forget their frustrations off but for fuck sake guys. If it really, truly, bothers you, just chargeback the game and forget about it.

If you don't want to do that, I get it. I play every day, through all the same shit you guys are too and like a lot of you, I don't get a lot of time to play either(4 am shift baby). I spend the majority of my playtime helping new players learn the ropes. Because this time last year, servers were dead. No one played. Most of the raids I did were half empty and people were literally BEGGING for a wipe. We recently had quite an unprecedented explosion of new players. Now I don't know the exact numbers, but I remember Nikita saying something like 1.5x or 2x the current player base joined our ranks in less than 1 week.
THAT. is crazy. That's a ton of people. Now, a triple-A studio can handle that influx with their shit ton of employees and a seemingly endless supply of servers. but a few Russian boys working on their passion? working tons of hours a day, maybe no days off, trying to solve a problem they've never had before with limited funds and manpower? maybe not so easy.

Now I know I'm gonna get called a fanboy and honestly, it's true. I fucking love this game. It's ruined all other games for me. I've tried to take breaks, I've tried other games…. but I just come back to Tarkov. I suggest we all try to remember why we fell in love with EFT and give those boys a break while they sort it all out.

And stop taking it out on each other.


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