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We Need Shoulder Swapping, here’s why

As things like PvP only is planning to come out as well as another wipe theirs one change I didn't see that I believe we desperately need, shoulder swapping.

As the skill of the overall player base increases with the growth of the game, the common knowledge of how good a right hand peek vs left hand is something a lot of people know. With that, it will be a continuing downtrend which will kill the fun dynamic gunplay tarkov has to offer in certain scenarios.

With this change, a lot of places that involve CQC will be a lot more fun on various factors while still keeping the PvP feeling fresh whether you're the aggressor or the defender so to say. Imagine being able to shoulder swap in places like Dorms, Resort, Labs.
Here are some other thoughts about it as well:

  • Which shoulder you use to shoot with mainly could be a customizable thing for your character with a skill to increase the skill on shooting your other shoulder
  • It helps mitigate the de-sync issue to a degree when dealing with left hand peek vs right hand peek
  • It adds a bit more Immersion to clearing buildings
  • It would change PvP more than Inertia
  • It gives newer players a better chance vs Chads due to lack of map knowledge

If theirs' anything anyone wants to add or say please feel free. Personally, I love the game for PvE and the questlines as to me the PvP after a while gets boring and repetitive as to how they play out/what you can do. For a game that's more decision/game IQ based vs mechanical skill this is one of these decisions we should be able to make that we desperately need because theirs a lot of potential for this game to be a great PvP game too.


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