So I tried to do off-meta testing for these weapons, it appears to be they are severely weak even with 44% bonus damage to nature husks. Dragon Weapons and Art Deco weapons can easily outclass them. They are probably the weakest weapon set in the game. Even weaker than the Scavenger weapons. So here are my ideas on how to rework them.
Ranged weapons:
- Remove the player damage at the cost of an explosion 6th perks.
This perk alone is the reason why the players are not using them, and they are not recommended for new players.
- Add new 6th perks to them, Introducing Life Leech perks
I'd add those perks: Hitting an enemy 3 times takes 10% of their health and heals the player with the same mount. no cooldown / Eliminating an enemy with this weapon heals 30% of the player health depending on the husk health (i.e: Eliminating a smasher grants a significant heal) No cooldown / Stunning or knocking back a husk takes 10% of their health into the player's health, No cooldown
- Add unique perk only for Night Owl, and turn the bow into an Area Of Effect bow.
The unique perk would be: Eliminating a husk spawns healing ectoplasms
Melee weapons
- Remove the player damage at the cost of an explosion 6th perks.
It's even worse for melee weapons with that perk than ranged weapons. Like the other suggestion, remove that perk.
- Add life leech perks from the suggestion above
This explains itself
- Add a unique perk only for Black Blade
The perk would be like this: Eliminating a husk creates a 2 tiles healing field around the player that heals 20 base health per second and heals others while it turns into a life leech when it comes in contact with the husks. Also it blocks the healer's healing aura.
All Black Metal weapons
- Remove the bonus damage vs nature husks, but make it possible to perk them to other elements and Energy.
This will make them useful than being locked to Fire and Physical.
- Buff their damage to make them possible challengers to meta weapons.
That explains itself
TL;DR: Turning Black Metal weapons into life-leeching weapons would be better than making them ACME weapons where it backfires on you. It could be useful for new players.