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What are my options?

Ok, so I wasn't sure at first, but after last night I'm pretty positive that I suck at this game. First wipe, around level 25 or so. I'm attempting punisher part 4 but really struggling with kills on shoreline. At first my tactic of choice was to hide like a bush rat and scope out the gas station or pier. After not seeing anyone for many raids in a row, I finally decided last night that I need to but on my big boy diapers and head into the resort. It didn't go well. Lighting people up with my AK only to have them tank every shot, or I end up just drawing an outline around them with bullet holes. I'm using basic bitch ammo (7.62 PS or 5.56 M855), and guns I either took from dead players or tried to build myself. There were 4 different times I had the drop on someone, and I died each time. I felt like only one of the times did I actually stand a chance and simply got outplayed.

So what can I do? I feel like better ammo would've got me maybe 2 of the kills. And watching people with pimped out guns on YouTube laser people with zero recoil makes me think I could also use some better attachments. My problem is that I don't have access to chad ammo, and every time a build a gun through the edit preset option, when I go to buy the parts they're also locked out. How does a low level noob like me stand a chance against the resort chads? Or should I just go back to being a bush rat and spend the rest of my days wondering if that noise I heard was finally a lost PMCs footsteps coming towards me?


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