- "we need tank" .."bristle"
- "AM will win late game"
- Picking axe for dazzle
- Carry and his support staying in dangerous lane past 10 minutes
- Using glyph for T2 when enemy is going to take it anyway
- Defending sidelane T2 when outnumbered
- Attacking mid T2 without Roshan or numbers advantage. Throwing the lead
- Ogre Midas which has low winrate
- Dewarding the sentry and re-warding same area
- "You haven't played in SEA yet"
- Not farming aggressively
- Delaying bkb or never getting it.
I know some of these "bad Dota plays" are actually rewarded in these mmrs. Clinkz for example only has a good winrate in these mmrs.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/zodmr9/what_are_some_common_low_mmr_myths_halftruths_and/