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what da hek is inara and miners tool so dam inaccurate.

for price check i cannot trust any of them. but for other information like parts and mining spots it works, anything to do with credits the info cannot be trusted. HOLY even if the info is frikin 30 min up to date the price is completely wrong after frikin 20 jumps. plz let me know what you guys do to find the best prices for selling and buying. this issue makes the game so unplayable : (

this especially happens when i finished mining and check inara to find the best place to sell plat. i see a carrier ship about 34min up to date buying for 250k. i got there to see the market. NO ITEM FOR SALE OR IN DEMAND FOR BUYING holy crap. i had to manually fly around to scout the carriers around to see who is buying cuz of a few of the ships not buying anything or straight up not buying plat even though they are listed on inara for 1hr or so. HOLY CRAP i had to sell for 100k per tonne. faster than exploration but no where close to what peeps on yt claim

another example is trade routes. HOLY CRAP for new players dont trust them for GOD sake. after spending millions on a ship with a lot of hull i got to the route and HOLY THE PRICE ON INARA IS VASTly different eventhough the price is literally updated minutes ago in inara. inara says, 5mil and hr, 2mil per trip, reality is 100k per hr 50k per trip profit. holyyyy how many times i tried this how many times i left and came back just for all the inara stats to be wrong sooo wrong. trading is not a thing huh. sorry for the long rant but i have come to love the game but having so many tools that yes i see work for others but wow are they not working for me.


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