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What do you think about building on a PvP server?

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

My brother and I opened a full loot vanilla-ish PvP server last week. We posted this for feedback from our community but I was wondering what others who are outside of our community thought.

basically our server is divided into 3 zones: spawn/wilderness/utgard.

spawn is 10 meters wide from the drop in. wilderness is beyond that to around the 3000 meter mark and Utgard is everything beyond 3000 meters. everywhere except for the spawn is full loot PvP so its been difficult to attract new players that dont enjoy the PvP part of the game. Here is what we cam up with for our server but obviously it means nothing if others aren't interested. please share your thoughts!

Our first idea is to extend the drop in zone from 10 meters to about 30 and create a starter town. The starter town will have;

  • crafting stations up to LvL 3
  • basic beds
  • a few bee hives
  • and cooking stations.

This will help new players get a good start and not have to worry about their base being destroyed. the town will not have PvP removed but it will be toggleable. Our starter town that is deserving of a good name, will have the following modifiers;

  • No building damage
  • No Items dropped on Death
  • No Skill Drain
  • Keep food on death
  • No building
  • No terrain alteration

Here's the second idea. As the server grows and we progress, there should be more cities, towns, checkpoints, farms, ect.. to be made. People, myself included, wont want to make these sort of commitments knowing they can be pillaged so easily. So I propose a new item called a "Deed". Only one deed can be bought per steam ID. The cousin of Haldor, Knarr, will sell these Deeds in the starter town for gold. his trades will look something like this.

  • 10m deed = 1,000 coins
  • 20m deed = 2,500 coins
  • 50m deed = 6,000 coins

Utgard will have another trader, in contested territory, ( I'm thinking a dangerous Island with sea serpents around it) that will trade deeds usable in any region. His trades will look something like this.

  • 10m Utgard deed = 2,000 coins
  • 20m Utgard deed = 3,500 coins
  • 50m Utgard deed = 10,000 coins

As a land owner you will bypass all the perk limitations allowing you to craft and build as you please on your land. All deeds will include the following perks by default with more to be available for purchase in the future. Again PvP is not disabled and if your caught with your pants down its your own fault.

  • No building
  • No terrain alteration
  • No building damage

Admins will be able to buy back deeds at 50% of the cost so players can grow their establishments. I think the deed system will attract co-op players, as well as builders without punishing and even strengthening the PvP server vision. Its going to make dungeons, troll caves, and fuling villages contested for resources because they do respawn every 2 game days. This system might also stimulate a player economy for farming and cooking because how you make use of the land you purchase is entirely up to you. What are your thoughts?


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