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Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Hi guys. I have a story to tell.
I had my first Dota 2 acc and calibrated guardian 1,i got myself to anc 2 in like 4 years, my whole pov changed. So I opened 2nd acc to play with my friends which calibrated legend. Through a year I played with both of the accs and reached divine 3 on both of them. I have like 7k hours on main and 1k hours on 2nd. This means I play well and can compete there. But now after several abandons on my main acc( Lal of them bcs of country problems Lebanon, where random electricity and wifi cuts happen), I dropped from 5.2k to 4.250 in like months.
I still play with both accs and I reached divine 5 on 2nd acc and most of the games I was mvp honorable mention and played well, ofc there were like 2 out of 25 games that I was total trash and got carried not gonna lie. So I usually play with low immortals there and I can ezily play the game. Everyone listens and mostly know what they are doing, they know timing and stuff. I am not struggling to play on high divine while when I play on my anc 3 acc I struggle a lot, bcs no matter what I do we kind of end up losing people not listening or feeding not saving bbs and no bkbs a lot of stuff. I feel like it's hard to go back to divine with that acc, while it's much ezier to play on high acc.
Why is this happening?
What does this mean?
I know abandons are hurting the quality of the game but it's kind of impossible to get back, I feel like that.
I play support by the way pos 4 and 5.


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