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What Faction seems to forfeit early the most?

witcher gwent cards

Obviously a bit of an inflammatory question that some people will take as an opportunity to just complain about their least favorite faction, but I am looking for as genuine answers as I can get.

Keep in mind I'm not asking what DECKS forfeit the most, not looking for a "Well if Sihil players see a defender after they patricide they forfeit." or "Destroy Foltest after 1 turn and they forfeit." obviously singular win conditions getting shut down result in the most common forfeits. I'm looking for across the entire faction.

Responses from players who have experience in a variety of factions and archetypes are most valued, simply because you have a better chance of someone forfeiting for a reason that isn't just "I'm not going up against this cheesy deck/deck I've played for the past 10 matches/binary deck that instantly shuts mine down."

The point of the question is mostly to see what factions as a whole seem to be win condition-y/not very flexible to their approach. Though I acknowledge each response is purely anecdotal and not some sort of statistical data.

My own experience is typically NR just because of their snowball nature, if you're constantly removing them as SK or locking with NG (As a new player I had a deck that was literally just lockspam with no real combos, NR players hardly stuck around past r1 to put up with that.) They seem to acknowledge they may be headed for a short final round, or a long one with gimped engines, and just throw in the towel.


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