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What I would like to see in a “Multicrew Rework”

Multicrew has a lot of potential but right now it still feels like a bare bones framework. If they could expand on this feature, it would be a great addition to the Odyssey gameplay when you have 2, 3 or 4 players flying around on the same ship doing on foot stuff, they can also engage in ship board activities along the way.

Some things I'd like to see in a Multicrew Rework:

  1. Support Role / Multiple Gunners: The helm should be able to give full Pip control to one of the players not currently flying fighters. Also, helm should be able to split the weapons/utilities into groups so you can have multiple crewmen control the various parts of the ship. For example you could give all the Limpets, Scanners, Heatsinks, Chaff, AMFU, etc to one person (like the person with Pip control) to be a full support role, then have another person be control of the weapons. But also, if you are in a big ship like the Type 10, you should also be able to split the weapons into groups and let 1 or 2 or even all 3 crewmen control different weapons independently if they wanted to. Wouldn't hurt to have some type of new gameplay for a support role to do like better Power Management or better scanning. Maybe allow Support to select Sub Targets as well?

  2. Profit Splitting: With bounties and shared missions, all players get 100% of the profit. But what about other activities like mining then selling off the mined materials, or selling exploration data? I think helm should be able to have a few options for how profit is split: No Split (Helm takes it all like it is now), 50 Split (helm takes half, rest is split evenly between the crew), and Even Split (divided equally between everyone). Crew also always get the trade dividend as well.

  3. Utility Ship Launched Shuttles: We could use a Cargo Shuttle that can be used to transfer commodities to outposts to sell (or to just transfer a small amount to stations or to just dock to go on foot, maybe also has Cargo Scoop), Mining Shuttle that has Prospectors so other crew can help find the asteroids for the mother ship to mine, optionally also has Mining Lasers (Lance perhaps?), and an Exploration Shuttle that has a Supercruise Drive to fly around in system with scanners to help scan planets.

  4. Ability to aim Limpets: Gunners should be able to aim prospectors at Asteroids for example.

  5. "Down But Not Out" for Odyssey gameplay: When players "die" on foot when in a Team, they should be able to be revived using a medpack instead of needing to respawn

  6. But if players on a Team need to respawn, they should be able to choose to respawn on the ship they came in. If the ship isn't on the planet, it should be automatically recalled, or possibly it stays in orbit and the Helm has to recall it manually for the dead player to disembark again.

  7. If an NPC in on board, allow the Helm to give control to it to fly a fighter.

  8. More Turret Options: Maybe Introduce Huge Turrets so Multicrew Gunners can control them. Also, Power play Weapons in Turret form could be interesting.

  9. Add some more Seats to Ships: If the Crusader can have 4 Seats, so should the Gunship and Krait for example. I would also love to see a Small ship with 4 Seats just for On Foot transportation (Adder perhaps, since it had like 6 seats in the Odyssey Beta?)

  10. Horizons/Ship Material Gathering: I suggest a bonus when gathering materials in a Team: The person who picks it up gets the normal amount of 3, everyone else gets a single 1 unit. I'm not sure if this would work with Odyssey since you can drop and share everything now.

  11. Obligatory Fix the network code to minimize lag/disconnects


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