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What is on your E:D bucket list?

One of my favorite things to do in Elite is set my goals and complete them in my own time. Most games funnel you into a specific path, but in Elite I play at my own pace.

Over the years I've accomplished a lot of what I've set out to do. A friend of mine recently shared some of his goals and the ideas were really cool! I'd have never thought of doing some of them.

So I'm looking for more! What's on your E:D bucket list?

Here's what I've done so far:

  • Travel to distant systems like Sgr A, nebulas, well known stars, neutron star field, etc.
  • "Claimed" a little planet for myself between the bubble and Sgr A. The goal was to find just the right planet in terms of size, location, gravity, terrain, etc.
  • Build the fastest ship I could with engineering (an Imperial Eagle) and taking it into PvP against meta FDLs and surviving.
  • Pirating other CMDRs. Built an engineered Anaconda optimized for pirate play, interdicted CMDRs, demanded a % of their goods, and let them go.
  • Build an optimal trading ship (within my limits of fun) and do well known trade routes shared by other CMDRs. Learn how to do optimal trading.
  • Find a great trade route only using in-game tools. I never really finished this one but it was fun while I was doing it.
  • Equip a wake scanner, pick a CMDR, and follow them around. This was a bit silly but I was using it as practice for pirating. It ended up being more fun than you'd expect.
  • Seek out unusual systems inside the bubble. For example planets with extremely fast orbits near each other.
  • Seek out the abandoned station missions. The ones with voice acted data logs. Very cool!

Stuff I still plan on doing:

  • Dig deep into Thargoids (lore, combat, exploration).
  • Finally get enough Fed rank for a Federal Corvette and engineer it.

What's on your list? I'd love to pick some things off!

EDIT: Not exactly in-game, but I've listened to the audiobook series. It was really great and definitely added to my enjoyment of the game.


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