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What will Ulf’s opinion of the Mistlands be?

New Valheim update

For reference, his earlier works:

Heed these words of Ulf, a poor settler in a strange land. You will find here good stone and wood, all you need to build a house. You will need to craft a roof to keep out the rain. Then you will need walls to stop the roof from falling down. Finally, you must have a door or it will be much harder to go in and out.

These things Ulf has learned for himself. now he writes them on this stone to help others. Pray to Odin for his soul.

Black Forest:
Rest awhile and remember Ulf, who carved this stone with his own hand but could think of nothing to say.

Heed the words of poor Ulf and do not build your house beside the murky waters. Bad dreams and a soggy bed are all you will find. I leave this stone as a warning and go now to make my dwelling on higher ground.

This marks the spot where the great drake was first seen by me, Ulf, in the third summer of my life in Valheim. She stopped here to leave a pile of dung holding the bones of deer, boar and the skull of a greydwarf. I will never come near this place again.

Mountains the Second:
Where this stands I once saw the great drake flying above me and I hid in a bush until she passed. Ulf the Brave carved this stone.

This place was too hot for Ulf, a man used to brushing snow from his beard. He carved this stone and moved on.


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