What’s the deal with overly hostile (and rude) PMC’s towards friendly player scavs?

So recently I’ve been trying to farm co-op extracts for the fence rep as it’s kinda tedious to survive around 197 more raids(currently at 4.03 fence rep and around 235 scav raids survived and did the car extracts multiple times). I’ve been basically running towards gunfights and spamming f1 for scav lines and stating my intentions over voip while having my knife equipped and smacking nearby walls and wiggling.
However for some reason pmc’s just seem to take my actions to person offence and I’ve gotten nades thrown at me, and overall just being mowed down without any warning or responses from voip(the most annoying situation being pmc’s already at the scav camp on interchange and they still shot me) Out of like 20 raids, I’ve only had one single co-op extract from this guy who killed Santa a couple times.
It’s a rather disheartening experience when I really just want to them help out on a easier extract and the rep too. It also doesn’t help that the better rep does lead to better gear and those shitters that kill me are very undeserving of the stuff. Are there anything I can do to increase my chances having more chill pmc’s?

Oh forgot to mention the people are awful shots too, they often take 10+ shots to kill me even though I’m just standing still and wiggling.

Tldr: people are rude

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/s6g7hp/whats_the_deal_with_overly_hostile_and_rude_pmcs/

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