What’s your encampment loadout/weapon?


Basically, I've noticed, with the buff of XP/newfound light on encampments — I've noticed a population spike in DTE missions. So that raises the question – What are you using? Standard xenon? Ability-based? Melee? Just curious.

Right now, I'm currently using:
-Anti Cuddle Sarah (Lead)
-Fossil Southie
-Prehistoric Izza
-Guardian Bull
-Tank Penny
-Arrlene Izza

Weapon: Walloper
x1 CR
x1 CD
x1 HAE
x1 Damage to stunned/staggered
Critsplosion 6th

Basically spamming walloper's heavy attack which is the slam-down like heavy that guardian's will/storm king's fury has only everytime I land, I explode everything. It's pretty fun.

I'll alternate hardwares though. Currently walloper but will swap out every now and then with husk warper/surround pound – same loadout, works all the same.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/rj0542/whats_your_encampment_loadoutweapon/

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