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When anticipating Regis backfires…

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

Ok so no one may care but I don’t know anyone else who plays Gwent and I just really have to share the unbelievable luck I just had.

I queued into a pretty standard enslave deck with my pretty standard non-devo vampire deck (rank 4) but the whole game I was drawing the absolute most awful cards…for this matchup anyway. Going into R3 I’d lost last say despite my best efforts, had almost none of my good R3 heavy-hitters – Elder had been Kingslayed in R1, and several several others were just not to be found including Regis AND my Regis tutor. This almost never happens and I was cursing my luck.

I was hanging in pretty well there with three turns left in R3 but I knew what was coming and I knew I didn’t have what it would take to survive opponent’s last two plays. Sure enough, Vilgefortz was played and took out my boosted Katakan BUT THEN! ye gods what was summoned?? My man Regis! I managed to pull out a win that I did not deserve even after opponent Yenvo’d my fleder. I only regret I don’t have a video. I didn’t even have the heart to send a “thank you” taunt afterward. One of the few times I’m almost felt bad for my opponent. I’ll never have such luck again.


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