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when do i start having fun

According to the Buddha, the thing that conditions a person’s experience and future destiny (both in the present and future lives) is kamma, i.e. the sum total of their intentional thoughts, speech and actions (A.III,415). We are not ‘judged’ by our kamma, nor is the experience we have, positive or negative, a ‘reward’ or a ‘punishment’ but simply an effect (vipaka). It is also important to point out that one dirty or malicious thought, one act of theft or violence or one lie will not result in purgatory. It requires, the Buddha said, ‘many evil deeds’ (bahuni ca duccaritani, Sn.665), i.e. evil has to have become a significant part of one's makeup before one ends up in purgatory. This point is reiterated by the Buddha when he said that one or two good deeds done by a predominantly wicked person is unlikely to have much of an effect any more than one or two bad deeds done by a predominantly good person is (A.I,249). It is also true that not all wicked people go to purgatory. If a person committed a particularly terrible deed, the kammic effects of this might manifest themselves in their present life and therefore not lead to purgatory in the next life.

Have we all sinned? How many of you consider yourselves good people? Should I stop playing customs

level 4 btw


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