Where Devs went wrong

the witcher and ciri gwent

The moment when bronze units could replicate other bronze units.

I believe this one dev decision will go down as one of the biggest mistakes. The ability to spam bronzes may seem like a fairly benign thing, but this will have implications from here to forever. Every new bronze printed will need to be evaluated against the ability to spam it.
Highland warlords are already way more powerful than intended because of this, Spotters and Sergeants are stupid strong , but are made so much more oppressive due to the ability to spam bronzes. And Reavers are way more oppressive than they should be because of the ability to spam them so easily.

There was a reason cards like Ramon, Queen Adalia, and Vigo were Golds. It was and should still be considered a big deal to create a new bronze card out of thin air. To be able to replicate a bronze unit so cheaply is such a dangerous and unruly decision in my mind.

The only way this can be allowed to continue without destroying the fundamentals of the game I believe is to make certain bronzes Silver and limit replication to bronze cards only.

We’ll that’s my two cents for thought.
I’ll wait for the downvotes now.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/z2yvu2/where_devs_went_wrong/

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