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Who/What is Phylactery good for?

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As noted in my post from yesterday, I've been testing around with some of the new toys, and I found that Dazzle's Aghs doesn't work with Phylactery.

After some more testing I found that a lot of spells that it'd be good for don't work with it either.

There only seem to be a few items that benefit from it after effects take place, and even those don't seem nearly as good as alternatives. So it falls into 4 categories, Great – but probably not worth it, okay but worst than almost all other items, bad because it does almost nothing other than +125 damage on one spell per 6 seconds, or doesn't work entirely. Below are some examples of all 4:


  • Zues – The only hero I see making a good use of the item.
  • Venge – being universal makes good use of stats, adds some more damage to ult and stun, and adds a slow to the ult as well.
  • Visage – Short cooldowns, adds slow for the birds, and damage to the slow.
  • Tinker – Adds a slow to laser
  • SWM


  • Silencers last word – aghs ruins it.
  • Spirit breaker charge is a cute interaction and is effective due to the 7 second CD.
  • Soul rip grants bonus damage and a slow on a shared 6 second cd.
  • Razors static link.


  • (BAD)Gyro rocket would be great, but it only does the proc on impact, so the stun and slow stack.
  • (BAD)Dusa snake is along the same lines as gyro, it procs on impact.

Doesn't work, but would be amazing for:

  • Wave spells – Lina Dragon slave, DP Crypt Swarm,
  • Orb spells – AA Chilling Touch, OD Arcane Orb, Jakiro Liquid Fire
  • Dazzle Aghs – Doesn't count as a unit targeted spell at all, so it doesn't break linkens, get reflected by lotus, etc.

The problem is most heroes that would effectively want the item either have better options (kaya), other requirements(CC or mobility), or it just doesn't work for them because it's broken(dazzle), or the spells that would most benefit from it don't work with that type of interaction.

*Edit – Also, Urn does more damage, on the same cooldown, and can be upgraded into a better item for 1/3rd the cost.


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