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Why can’t we have minor balance changes without a full “rework” of a feature?

I like many others are upset over the fact there was a roadmap which indicated we were getting a "Feature Rework in Early 2023". Well that time frame has come and gone and we have indication they might discuss the rework late 2023 which means it could be a year or more before we actually see it.

But I feel like there are some things in this game that feel unnecessarily unbalanced and these things feel like something that's just a value in a data table somewhere in the code.

Just a few small examples:

Drop Rates of Engineering Materials: Make the super rare materials, especially the Odyssey ones, less super rare. The grind isn't going to save this game from doom so could we make Engineering easier by virtue of making the materials easier to get? Maybe double the mission payouts for materials?

Weapon Changes: Multi Cannons, Plasma Slug Rails and Plasma Slug PAs are king of PvE Ammo Weapons. I've always felt weapons like Cannons and Missiles aren't as fun for PvE because they have such low ammo counts. Would it be terrible to give them an ammo buff? I'm sure there could be many valuable weapon changes and the point is that they should be pretty easily to implement while providing more viable options to players (figuring out exactly what to change and what to change it to is a different story however).

Ship Changes: I'm sure any changes to ship balancing is going to be controversial and would need to be done carefully. I don't think we should nerf anything but we could buff a few things without breaking the game. Honestly some ship rebalancing could be an easy way to breathe new life into the game. Just for some examples, I've never used the Asp Scout but read on multiple occasions it's the worst ship in the game, I'm sure a buff in speed, jump distance or optional slots could help. I also always thought the Viper MK3 and MK4 having the same Power Distributor was dumb, if you are upgrading a Combat Focused ship, surely it should get a larger one? I also think the Cutter could get a Distributor upgrade to be in line with the Corvette and Conda.

Closing: I just think Frontier could tweak some things without it being a major ordeal. It's not like they have to write a bunch more code, some of these are just stat changes. Even with Ship Balancing, they could just let the NPCs spawn with the current loadouts while letting players use the extra sized modules. I'm also not suggesting they need to implement my exact examples, but just using them as a guideline for what they could do to tweak the game.


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