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Why do we allow streamers to get full on carry services?

So now that recent streamer PvP tournaments/events are somewhat over, I've been wondering why we are ok with streamers being carried by viewers to get advantage but if some timmy pays for it or RMT, now he is devil incarnate (I do understand that he gets cheater carry). I don't mind if its getting some shitty MP5K with scope rings and so on or ultra kited full meta M4/HK416/whatever which is just to get community interaction on regular days. However why no one makes a fuss about them getting unfair advantage when they are broke during actual event like recently Tigz.

Also regarding RMT. I've been thinking why it's bad if I sell some high quality gear for money that I acquired by fair playing. So say while scaving over multiple raids I find multiple Slicks and Hexgrids + some meta gear, if it's bought by timmy that wants to feel like chad he will die immediately or never use it due to gear fear, if sold to chad sure he can wreak havoc but 1. we have durability and even if repairing it in most optimal way it's 3-4 raid kit anyways 2. why is it bad if me (seller in the example) and chad (buyer in the example) both are playing legitimately ie no cheats (I don't take EULA and BSG balancing in to account, just "what if" scenario)?

I removed my right to use the gear that otherwise I would sell to ragman as rub to me is more important and korund from prapor is enough for questing while being affordable, I do understand that this would increase the number of "weekend chads" but also would imo improve the PvP as now it's 1% vs timmies. Also say if you have constant group that plays together I don't have issues with dropping loot/gear for friends (for example based on what I've seen Airwingmarine often plays in relatively same group).

Now the main issue I've seen 10IQGaming video on Tigz begging/guilt tripping his viewers for carry during Ziryachy event and it made sense to me that it's no longer a community interaction but more akin to RMT/carry where he abuses his position to get quickly advantage though he should have gone scaving for loot in order to get his next set of gear. This feels like it should be bannable offense. To me it gives impression that we are all equal but some are more equal if need arises. Will we get viewer carries during Evasion tournaments as well? Imagine Evasion tournament and such situation arises: "Player Y is so broke that he can't no longer get even a TT pistol and 8 rounds, this is a clear win for Player X now that he has managed his stash and didn't spend all on first raid. But what is this player Y called for reinforcements as he is a big streamer he gets extra 4 helping hands!"
20 min later: "What and upset! Player Y wins the title thanks to his special skill called 'call4chads', although X was over all better in resource management 'call4chads' was the equalizer that the Y needed"

Sorry for long post but it brewed in me for quite a long time.



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