why haven’t the devs addressed issues the community has?

the witcher and ciri gwent

Obviously they're not going to respond to every complaint here because let's face it, there is a lot of unnecessary whining sometimes. However, recently there has been much more unified agreement about several large issues regarding the design of the game coming directly from influential player like Spyro and there is no response?

They don't have to listen to us and do what we want, but I would hope that they would respond and act like they are listening. I know this subreddit might not represent all of Gwent, but it's the largest active community the game has and I definitely feel like it represents at least a large amount of the top competitive players.

I see so many people saying how burnt out they are getting from stale metas and I myself experience this, and it terrifies me. I love this game and want to see it succeed but it needs more than new cards and content drops. Why aren't they making statements explaining why they don't believe the issues being expressed are actually problems for the game? Please help us understand. I really want to continue loving and playing this game but with every patch it becomes more difficult to do. Devs if you're reading this we are rooting for you, we want you to make the game into something we enjoy. If you don't think our issues are valid than please let us know why, we are not devs ourselves so it can be hard to put ourselves in your position. Opening up allows us to understand and be more sympathetic instead of building up anger or even resentment.

I know the problems aren't anyone's fault directly but I feel like there needs to be more effort into promoting a positive community and addressing the issues put fourth here. Tell us why they aren't valid and justify why the changes made are good for the game.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/yx67ik/why_havent_the_devs_addressed_issues_the/

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