Why is that when you get the yellow overweight icon the endurance skill suddenly stops tracking

It's not like having 0.1 kgs over 25kg (my personal cap rn) would make me less efficient in real life for endurance training. Was this purely just a mistake or the way it was meant to be?

Questioning it because it really feels counterintuitive and I had 32 strength and only 8 endurance the entire wipe until I realized it doesn't track if you wanna grab that pack of milk that gets you to 25.1 kg lol

I really don't think this should be the way it's supposed to work because it punishes you for trying to grab something on your way to quests just because it stops completely from tracking that skill. I understand the diminishing returns overtime for other skills and that you should start lightweight, do 2-3 sprints and then you are good to grab loot and be overweight, but that means you are bound to completing x number of raids until you reach endurance level up where in other skills you still gain, but at a lower rate.

This is really bad for people that come in to wipe late like I was because everyone is bruceWillerz on steroids while I am supposed to carry nothing else but a rig and a weapon because otherwise, well, 32 strength and 8 endurance

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/y8hmu4/why_is_that_when_you_get_the_yellow_overweight/

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