Why is the Background Simulation update so inconsistent?


The BGS is my current driver and focus, since everything else seems like just a useless grind and here you can have some goals with your own player faction.

We currently fight wars in several systems and it makes the planning a bit hard, since right now we have to wait for the new tick to go through until everything we do counts for the next day. Two weeks ago, the time got pushed back several hours and none has happened today yet, 2h after the previous times.

Looking at the timeline that was tracked by third party tools (https://elitebgs.app/tick which is usually relatively accurate) it seems like the times fluctuate and mess up time and time again. Exaple for the last 12 months: https://i.imgur.com/SkxRpXa.png

Why is there no possibility for a fixed reset time, just like daily quests in other games? It is just annoying to be sitting there, checking when the results from the day before drop, without an actual system notifying you about it.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/sh4jxl/why_is_the_background_simulation_update_so/

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