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Wild hunt buffs were good or bad?

witcher triss merigold gwint

I AIN'T A PRO IN GWENT AND WHAT I WILL WRITE MAY BE COMPLETE BULLSHIT SO CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG IN THE COMMENTS. So I felt dissapointed by most of the buff to wild hunt. Some were good but others were bad and it didn't feel like buff but more like a change to the playstyle of the deck. I actually though they would remove the dominance tag so I wouldnt need to always run yghern and speartip in my decks but one can dream.

**Beware wall of text incoming**

Warrior : This was my favourite buff and I've found it useful. The dominance requirement activate itself after you damaged the ennemy, so you can damage a 5 unit by 2, reach dominance, then apply 2 more damage of frost. It feels good.

Navigator : Would have been good if not for the "nerf" to red riders. I will explain later

Auberon : Finally they changed its capacity so he's more consistent. At minimum he's a 15 for 12. At max a 20 for 12. Actually I don't know if its a good ratio honestly.

Eredin : I don't know if it would have been too good but I would rather have them remove the dominance tag instead of boosting it by one strenght. I mean, a one point boost is always good but I find it kinda useless since before it played for a 7 on deploy with the leader ability and couldnt get killed by the 6 points removal cards. For a 10 provision card that either get locked or killed rather rapidly, and also need dominance to activate the only ability of the card, it feel rather overpriced to me.

Red riders : Now i think they fucked up bad on this one. The four turns of frost would have synergized so well with the new winter queen and navigator (maybe too much?). It also made the ancient foglets safer to use, and opponents (most of the time) aren't dumb enough to put their units on both ranged and melee row and making the 2 turn of frost on both row better ( You still have leader ability and bruisers for that though). If you didn't understand frost on both rows mean you lose 2 turn of frost each turn, instead of 1 if you stack it all on the same row, meaning it last longer on the board and would make navigator and winter queen generate more points. The new option would be good if we had more wild hunt bronzes but the only card that i found to get good value consistently out of it is the warrior. Maybe they should have added the new option to the other two and leaving it like that, but 3 options on a 5 provisions card is maybe too flexible.

Winter queen : I honestly like this one despite the "nerf" to red riders. It won me a couple of round 1, but it was mostly because some peeps didnt read the patchnotes and didnt know what the card could do. Now its been a few days, people learned, and it now get removed instantly. Maybe I play her wrong too idk.

So in my opinion all of these rework didn't help wild hunt. They just changed the playstyle. I no longer run foglets and adapted my deck to the new changes. Yall can propose some decks in the comments if you want.


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