Wipe mechanic

Hi, I've wanted to give this game a try for a while now, the gameplay looks really interesting and so does the diversity of weapons and attachments. But the thing that really puts me off getting the game is the wipe mechanic, if I'm not wrong the entire game is about building up a stash of loot, taking said loot back out to fight with, leveling up and finishing quests. So theoretically if I bought the game and spent a month or however long the wipe is levelling and gathering loot it would all just be reset, all that progress just poof gone. I don't understand how so many people are just fine with this and willing to do it all over again. I can think of a couple reasons they've implemented this mechanic such as they don't want people to be hoarding an absurd amount of powerful weapons or something but really? Every single thing is reset? I could see myself having fun with this game for 1 wipe but I wouldn't really say that's worth buying the game just to quit after the reset.

Anyway I'd like to hear what anyone has to say about it, what keeps you playing? Also I'd like to add this is not just a hate paragraph towards the game/community I just don't quite understand the wipe. Thanks for reading!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/12dr2um/wipe_mechanic/

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