Im going to be taking my carrier there and was just wondering if anyone would like a ride. I plan on starting the trip in 9 hours (13:00 GMT May 13th) and it will take 6 hours to get there. Or if you just want to make the trip yourself the system name is Preae Aec PX-X c3-1.
Im currently parked at Bernard's Star
Carrier Name: The Last Resort
CMDR Name: JackSego
I have all services and no tariffs and will start making the trip back on Sunday May 15th 23:00. I don't expect there to be anything super exciting but I can't pass up the chance to be smooshed by 2 planets. If you want to join hop on. No tritium donations required or any type of compensation for that matter. I just think it will be cool to see a thing happen. This will be a nonstop flight, I will not be delaying and if you fall behind you get left behind. Sorry to sound a bit harsh on that but I would like to make the best time possible.
Hope to see you there 😀