Would this improve ranked matchmaking?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

I seem to get tons of games with people actively throwing. Yes, over the past year my behavior score has sunk from 10k to 3k but that's solely from yelling at people for throwing. Yes, people do throw in 10k behavior score. So, what I'm thinking is the following

A) eliminate LP. Lots of people who actively throw just accept LP as part of their gaming experience. Just wrap up LP into behavior score – there's a better method I will explain below. FWIW, I have never been in LP as the only thing I do is yell at people to try and get them to stop griefing.

B) Make behavior score scale infinitely and convert it to a percentile score – i.e. 1% – 100%

C) Eliminate cooldowns from not readying and overwatch bans. Just tack those onto behavior score

C) Fold "did not play selected role" into behavior score but make it scale. For example, you get one free pass every game. Maybe someone wanted you to pick CM with their carry pudge so they reported you. So what. But two reports in the same game gets you 200 pts off. Three reports gets you 500 off. Four reports gets you 1000 points off. You might adjust the scaling but the idea is obvious, and if it's working properly average reports per game should decrease outside of the pool of people I describe in my next point. Also, allow 10 minutes to report for this reason. Yes, Mirana is a great pub stomping position 4 but if you're rushing a maelstrom it's dogsh**. I don't want to have a make a preemptive judgement call and just automatically report a pos4 Mirana at the start because my last Mirana rushed a Maelstrom.

E) When you queue, instead of trying to find games where everyone has a similar behavior score make it so that it only searches for teammates with a similar behavior score. This means that you'd have two teams with similar ranks but one, for example, has an average 1% behavior score and the other, for example, has an average 99% behavior score

Yes, you'll still get griefy behavior in high behavior score teams but you'll be up against teams where 3 or 4 of the team are actively griefing or throwing. What this does, over time, is it folds behavior score into rank and turns very low MMR into permanent low priority.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/120jo1t/would_this_improve_ranked_matchmaking/

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