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Yeah i’m done with this game, played 6k hours and it’s not enjoyable anymore

Dota2 Mods

Tired of dealing with unrranked being treated like it's TI 10 at the times I play in the evening, but on top of that being given massive penalties for not wanting to play a literally useless game for over an hour including wait times is enough now, I understand why this game has a massive newer playerbase problem and even moreso a player retention problem over the years, i'm sure everyone will ignore this or downvote as salty but it actually really sucks to see a community and something I enjoyed go down the drain this hard due to the competitiveness of this game getting more and more ridiculous in what is literally not a ranked or competitive mode, i'm annoyed that every single game now is a stomp one way or the other win or los. Valve doesn't give a shit at this point and will drain you all for the money want want to keep going but i'm done, just posting this to hopefully make someone think about what they want from this game now, not what they used to get since it's very different now


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