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Yeah, yeah Mistlands. We get it. Flesh Rippers special attack should be a forward jump attack.

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Flesh rippers having a special attack would be cool as fuck(like the whole game, I love you IronGate).

Large damage if attack connects

Stealth-pouncing enemies


No control over trajectory requires skill to get right.

While the "kick" uses 18 stamina this would use up considerably more to balance out distance travelled. Say, 30 stamina.

Incorrect use of the attack would either kill you from falling off somewhere high or placing you in the middle of a group of enemies.

Would take a second to "charge" up. Charactee would crouch down first THEN jump to prevent this being a quick travel move.

The animation would be the same as the Fenring's jump attack only wouldn't jump as far, have a smaller, more precise hitbox, and IT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY.

Thank you.


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