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YSK: Majority of those who claim high ping keeps them away from friends…

mostly play solo… They're lying to us.

He's a clip of a Korean and Pestily on USW. Both solos.

This only creates further desync related issues even when not near the player, as BSG confirmed previously, and frustration for everyone else trying to play in their native regions. We as a community need to come together and ask for it to be reverted. for a handful of people to be happy, the rest of the community isn't – it's extremely damning on the game and its future. Just about every shooter has one, with spike forgiveness ofc. and to those saying EFT isnt a competitive game: Nvida Lists some of its options as "for competitive gaming" seen here:

I once spoke to Pestily about this pre-ping limit after killing him in NAW – His personal reasoning was "my servers are dead " (they're not) " and i need content or i wont be able to succeed as a content creator".

They added a ping limit of 120ms back then in early 2019, very few people complained, and he still grew to be one of the most popular EFT streamers today. Which is awesome, dont get me wrong i'm not attempting to bash him, here.

Yes, not everyone has good enough internet – I understand; but maybe you're better off looking at the one of the single player options out there, or just accept multiplayer gaming isn't up to your net speeds – No offense. Most often its internal issues with those with major ping spikes. Just about every person who denied these claims here and say "it hurts more than helps" are not utilizing the high ping peekers advantage to the best of their ability.

If you dont believe me, Ask your favorite NA streamer what servers they select, and they're likely going to mention central US ones as its the only way to avoid people using this exploit.

I'll say this again; We as a community need to come together and ask for it to be reverted. for a handful of people to be happy, the rest of the community isn't.

edit: as an alternative for those who do want to game with friends from all over, co-op servers should have 0 limitations in order to keep things fair for everyone/


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