The jumpmaster didn't ping a location
I ping a location (salvage)
Salvage was roughly 400m away from the dropship route
Jumpmaster octane says nothing
Squadmate wattson agrees to jump salvage
Octane still says nothing
I decide to solo-drop salvage, since I prefer a slightly longer drop than some people (900m)
I assumed that octane was maybe just a bit inexperienced at jumping and was waiting for the dropship to pass closer to salvage.
About 5 seconds before landing I realise octane isn't jumping.
Octane pings no alternate location for me to abort to.
Octane lands slum lake with wattson following.
I die in a 1v3 at salvage
Octane never pinged his landing spot.
After I die octane calls me an idiot for solo dropping.
Wattson has no mic and no text chat, so remains silent
I've tried to present the events as matter-of-factly as possible to eliminate any bias.
Sorry if this reads a little too much like a 4chan post