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Am I the only one who thought Kings Canyon would be a permanent?

I originally posted a frustrated comment on the announcement post for Kings Canyon coming back as, once again, a LTM.

Am I the only one not finding this funny anymore? I genuinely thought when the announcement were made last month, that KC was officially going to be a rotative map along with WE, that players could chose to play whenever they wanted to. To me it seemed like the right timing for finally some definitive and additional content Apex needed to get a bit of fresh air, but seems like once again the direction is scared of losing players, rather than trying new initiatives to keep the flow coming.

There is nothing else to do anymore, a new player is limited to grind endlessly in that big ass map that is cool at first but becomes a thirsty kill huntdown after you get in decent matches.

Overwatch, which I don't really like that much, has arcade modes, and normal 2-2-2 queues can be sometimes up to 4 minutes, and yet no one complains.

But here Respawn is way too SCARED to actually remodel their game because they are accustomed to their comfort zone they have created for themselves.

Not only modes and maps, but actual meta evolution and management, can we talk about it? Wingman, Peacekeeper and R-99 being the 3 TOP MOST USED WEAPONS FOR A WHOLE YEAR?! And no one is finding that a little annoying? Why isn't there an alternative to the wingman at this point (another handgun/magnum/colt)? Adding 2 snipers after 2 consecutive seasons hasn't done anything other than saturating the map with guns people will barely use.

I can't even play legends like Mirage or Bloodhound, because I am put at a disadvantage from the moment I select one of them in the character screen, be it hitboxes issue, or just untouched useless kits that can't compete with Gibraltar, Wattson, Wraith and Path.

I admit this is a rant like any other on this sub, but I wanted to write it down in case anyone actually wants to express his/her opinions about it.

The way I see Respawn now is more like:

"Hey so be kind and appreciate our new skins that took us 4 months to do, and don't forget about our new legend dropping in 5 months which no one is gonna play anyway as we make sure Wraith and Pathfinder stay on top, so we don't lose our loyal sweaty players and streamers. Also we can't afford to lose players that want quick queues by adding a mere small map that everyone wants to play, that would be awful. Here buy some skins, and have fun with Bloodhound and Mirage we haven't touched since last year because we are too scared they might actually get viable."

Mhm no thank you Apex-Respawn, treat your game like amateurs, and I can promise your little playerbase is gonna disappear so fast you won't see it coming.


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