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Everyone Sucks At Balancing

Firstly let me go ahead and say that Respawn isn't any better than anybody else because a lot of Respawns balance changes have entirely backfired.

I don't mean to bash anybody, but I continuously see people constantly posting Nerfs and Buffs and balancing ideas.

90% of which are actually quite unbalanced, and in most cases broken beyond belief, there been a lot of Octane buff posts lately, Mirage too, and I agree they both need Buffs.

But let me be painfully honest, y'all ideas are trash and would ruin the game, it's almost like some people want to give every character the Giby treatment. And I'm not saying that they're bad ideas in general I'm just saying that they're bad ideas for this game, who knows maybe they would be good in another game.

Something that I noticed is that posters will often focus on the elements of a character's kits that are often the most obnoxious or already fine on it's own.

For example, somebody wanted to make Revenant's distortion effect more intense and last longer and also slow you. I already know a great deal of people who would immediately quit the game if that was a thing, primarily because arc stars are bad enough.

Somebody also wanted to make Octane be able to swap weapons faster than everyone else, while it's a good idea in theory it would be a disaster in reality. And it would ultimately make stocks useless to him, considering that's their secondary function.

Two equally matched players playing different characters, one playing Octane and one playing anybody else would no longer be equally matched, the Octane would win for obvious reasons.

I'm a Wattson main, but I absolutely shuddered at the suggestion that Wattson could carry around her ultimate on her back, and also was able to throw the grenades back at the enemy. In my personal opinion Wattson is already pretty balanced, she could use some quality of life changes to her fences but other than that she's pretty balanced.

Edit: also I know this is going to get downvoted into Oblivion, because people don't like hearing the harsh truth. I don't want to discourage anybody from suggesting ideas I just want to let people know that a lot of these ideas are not realistic.


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