Its way to big so i have to either shoot legs(but then the damage is reduced) or head which is fine but its stupid that i cant shoot his body
It has too much health so if i have r99 with no mag he most likely wont die
It recharges too fast after you destroy it
The last shot,the one that breaks the shield,is for example a kraber shot,gibby wont take any damage even tho kraber does more damage than the shield can receive
I recently found out that you can look with your shield towards a frag grenade or arc star and not take any damage from it
You cant use it unless you have a gun
You have to ads with it meaning that you cant sprint and move slower depending on what gun you have
It has a small delay from when you ads to till it turns on
Some weapons,for example wingman and p2020, have diffrent animations while using gun shield,making it harder to see while shooting(you can turn off gun shield if you really dont want those animations)
It has a sound effect that isnt very loud but for someone thats near you,he could tell that you are playing gibby and locate you easily
My opinion:
Make it have less health (25 – 50) and maybe smaller.