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Ideas for Mirage buffs

I really love playing Mirage but his kit is just really underwhelming compared to most others. PLEASE make him better. He's by far one of the most fun legends to play imo, it's just a shame that he really lags behind most other characters. There are really so many things Respawn could do with him as well.

If it were to be small tweaks I would say that his invisibility on his ult AND his passive should be buffed. Maybe 10 secs? That could be OP but they should definitely both be longer. I also think that Mirage should move slightly faster while downed in order to make the best use of his current passive. I think that during his ult the decoys should all move and act differently, pretend to shoot, open loot boxes, slide, etc.

What I also think would be cool but would probably be a pretty big rework would be if that someone shoots his decoy then it should have more of an effect. My idea would be to have Mirage talk and laugh at the player who shot the decoy. There could be images of Mirage blocking important parts of the screen as well, just to disorient the enemy as much as possible so their sight and hearing are affected. Just imagine you shoot at a decoy and all you hear is 'HAHA you got bamboozled, look at you!" While Mirage's smug face blocks off your health bar.

I've also seen plenty of suggestions for brand new passive abilities which would be way better than the one he has now. A cool one could be that when Mirage is near death (10% health or less?) Mirage quickly turns invisible (no more than 2 seconds) and then an identical decoy appears behind the enemy and pretends to shoot. It would obviously deal no damage but it could scare the enemy and make them turn around to make sure that there's no real danger there. This might be a little OP but you could give it a decently long cool down to balance it out, or maybe remove the invisibility part altogether.

Any one of these things would really help Mirage to be more viable, or anything else for that matter. Please buff the boy!

Respawn… Pls fix!


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