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Meh, and Other Final Thoughts

Tl;dr – We'd all have more fun if you stopped thinking you're Aceu.

A year and change of keeping my interest is a better record than most. Apex, it's been frustrating and fun in equal parts up until this Season, but now the fun just isn't there.

If you look at the "content creators" and streamers when they play, they're not playing from a place of enjoyment. They're playing to keep people watching, and the people watching are trying to emulate that play style in-game. It's pretty commonplace mimic behavior, really. Little kid sees something they like, tried to copy it. Broke person wants to play games for a living, starts up their little TTV gamertag and tries to be like the streamers.

If you look at these streamers in public matches and often in early ranked, they're just trying to be a spectacle that people want to see. Anyone who's not top-tier gamer status but wants to be like TSM, NRG, any of the streamer pros, goes in and gets their team fucked. They play selfishly, steal loot, and assume that their leadership skills and awareness are up to the task of dictating play. Their communication is garbage.

Now let's take those Top-Tier gamers and look at them in Tournament Play where they're making real money : Smart engagements, great communication, revives and respawns. Loot sharing, tactical approaches, and no fucking 20 kill, 4k damage games in sight. This is how they really play the game. This is how the game is supposed to be played. This is Pinnacle Gameplay, not hot drop die quit. These are teams who are playing to win, not create content.

At this point, Respawn can add 4 new Legends and another map and it won't shake the stale mentality that everyone's a content creator or the best to ever drop in. There's little to no reward for playing as a team, and little to no consequence for playing like a selfish trashbag who's "creating content, sorry bro haha".

They could vault the entire arsenal and bring in 15 new guns, and it wouldn't change the fact that the game is constructed around communication systems that people ignore until they're demanding something. Y'all sound like Revenant, whether you want to admit it or not.

This Battle Pass took longer than expected to complete because I stopped caring. I'd sign in, drop in twice, and the thought keeps circling my head "I have no interest in playing this, it's not even fun". The mechanics are great, the visuals are amazing, and the audio is usually good lately but the people are just awful. I seriously think it's a culmination of fps player mentality and "content creation" play styles.

Essentially, Respawn, I'm falling out of love with your game because you've marketed it as a content source instead of a fun team experience. Half your players think playing like assholes will pay their bills or get them out of finishing school. This isn't about the game, but the unsustainable sociological impact marketing has on a player base.


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