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New game mode

(this is not complaining, rather an idea or rant)

I know that titanfall 2 is out and I have played it, but its 2 very, different games and I Shouldnt have to explain why.
if you have played titanfall 2, you know its another feel with wall slide, the Guns, and… Yes titans 🙂 not that its a bad game or concept (i like it) but apex has more potential and its for a reason!

Apex is branded really good, has an amazing Lore, with both funny – cool – evil – good legends.
Not to talk about the battlepass and the many different and awsome skins, kill quips and everything in between. I really love this game!

But now Ive been playing since the first week, i kinda feel like it needs something New to it. (other than different versions of BR that last a week)

Respawn has been very innovative with the ping system and respawn banners, that later, was duplicated by Epic games/fortnite. Now its time to be innovative again!

Im not saying a tdm would fit this game, but maybe a 3 VS 3 – 5 VS 5.
The reason why i cant watch apex in E-sport or Any other BR for that sake, is that you cant keep track of what is going on.
Imagine basket Ball with ten teams playing at the same time… It would be impossible, to know whats actually going on. This is probably why CS:GO is, one of the most populær games in E-Sport or Even league of legends.
I think they need something else cus it has potential for alot more than BR. I think it would be sad if they didnt use this opportunity, to get more People on to the game.

Im not saying we need 10 New modes but just 1 or 2 permanents. (not solo, not duo)
For me every game is the same now.
A win dont feel as good as it used to.
Every win is just to grind it out, then its endgame, you just wait for the two last squads, to get in a fight and then third party – boom you win AGAIN. And this goes for every BR out there. I love apex! and I probably will continue playing it for a long time, but it has more potential, then just another BR.
Whats yall thoughts on this?
and what game mode would you think, would fit the game – if it wasnt BR?


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