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QOL change for Crypto

Hey guys, i've been spamming quite some crypto games lately and i've noticed that there could be one small QOL change for crypto (IMO). And honestly i dont feel like he needs a buff atm.

To all the crypto players out there: Do you know the scenario where you disengage from a fight and press your Q ability to call your drone while running, just to immediatly cancel out of it to have a stationary drone to use your ult right after?

In the moment when you enter the drone you lose about 0,5-1 sec of maneuvering as your legend.

WHAT IF; if you press Q once you just call the drone without entering it right away. You could then chose to enter it by pressing Q again and move as it is right now. So instead of entering it you could actually use the "gained" 0,5-1 sec to still run or whatever.

It's not considered a buff but i feel like this is the only small change which i, as a crypto main, would need right now to not lose any kind of momentum and pace gameplay wise.

It just feels clunky sometimes to enter the drone and exit out of it.

What do you guys think? Everyone has different opinions of course ~ lets have some nice ideas !


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