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Ranked reset

Okay probably gonna get a load of flack. But I don’t play apex that often maybe an hour or so a night. I play to unwind and socialise with friends especially in lockdown.

I have a massive issue with ranked being reset, I rarely play ranked for this reason. When they reset ranks it legit gives these mad lad top predators an upper hand of being put into a lobby with people at a lower skill level than them and they just get to stack up the badges and kills for their legends.

I played 3 games of bronze ranked tonight and near the end get absolutely bodied by full squads with 4K badges, predator badges, 20 kill badges ect. It feels so unbalanced to be just complete pickings for pro players and not fun. It’d be easy to say “just get good” but the whole rank reset you go from diamond, master, predator to bronze is silly and there’s no way to just get good when you get dropped in a heart beat by these players.


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