Two questions about what to spend my bucks on

I am a F2P player so I come here with a question about first of all, what should I spend my anniversary coins on? I thought maybe getting all the crew with BIA, the book and all the bonds. To my knowledge, there should be enough to pick up all of these before the event ends. Is this optimal? (I do not have basically any 2 skill or more crew yet so there is that for the background knowledge). I heard they are 0-skill BIA as well?

And my second thought came right after considering the bonds, I am slowly approaching the amount needed for tier 8 bond tank and as I am F2P, I would need at least one of those for credits. Which one should I look into? Should I also consider one that would fit with my vehicles so I could train crew? Or just get "the best" one for money and buy the books from the money gained and not care about training crew in the tank?

Thanks for any advice and response.


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