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Respawn, can you stop treating basic systems that every other game has such as duos or god forbid a 2nd map as if they’re some amazing special events? It’s lazy.

I love duos and I love kings canyon so maybe I'm a bit biased but it's getting ridiculous that these two things, which are bare bones basic features in other games (duos mode and having a 2nd map in random rotation) are being held up by Respawn as EVENT MODES as a means to encourage people to play again and spend money.

For example we just had a valentines day mode which was literally just duos. That was it. For a brief 6 days (since the duos mode which has worked fine in the past bugged) everyone was granted the special amazing right by our godly overlords Respawn to play with just their Partner or close friend or whoever without a random 3rd person intruding on the experience. That was it. Something we all take for granted in basically every other video game, how we play, was gifted to us lowly peasants for a short glorious time.

It's ridiculous.

And now we got the amazing privilege to play King's Canyon, the original map not even a new one, that people have been begging for since it went away, for a short weekend as if it's some amazing new exciting thing.

These are basic things that should be PART OF THE GAME FULLTIME not put away like and put out for short periods as "events" while Respawn pat themselves on the backs about how cleaver and original they are.

If you want to do REAL events then do more stuff like the team deathmatch mode or 5 vs 5 on a small map area or full on 30 vs 30 or shit even just melee only or something. Stop taking away such basic staples of every other video game because you barely update the game as is.

Thanks for joining my Ted Talk and TO BE CLEAR I love the base gameplay of Apex Legends, I love the game at it's core.


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