Should there be a lock whenever you dibs items?

Ive seen alot of posts about people not respecting the dibs. I for one hate that and I think that whenever you ping somthing it will lock for maybe 10-20 seconds. This will prevent people from taking things and it will give a chance to add new voice lines whenever someone tries taking a dibsed item I written some examples:
Gibraltar: " Aye, brother that loots mine"
Octane: "Hey amigo, I called dibs"
Loba: " I don't like sharing"
Loba to revenent: " Don't touch my things Demonio"
Lifeline: "Aye, quit ya winging and get ya own"
Lifeline to octane: "Want to lose your arms too, drop it why dont ya"
Lifeline to octane if its grenades: "Aye, I dont trust you with those"
Bangalore: "Drop it"
Bloodhound: "The gods will not be pleased"
Pathfinder: Hey friend, thats my loot
Mirage: "That loot belongs to the handsome man
himself, god im amazing"
Mirage to crypto: "Go use your drone thingy to find another one, this ones mine"
Crypto:"thats not yours, let it go"
Crypto to mirage: "Shouldve been faster old man"
Caustic: "Taking that will influence my future actions"
Caustic: "taking that will hinder my test results"
Caustic to wattson: "engineers share ideas not weapons"
Wattson: "taking that will lower our chances of winning"
Wattson to caustic: "I hope your not the criminal everyone takes you for"
These are just some ideas but i hope a good addition. I couldn't think of any dor wraith but these were at the top of my head when replying to a comment. Be free to add more if you like. (Sorry its hard to read first time posting)


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