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Things I’d like to see changed or improved in Season 5 (Quality of Life suggestions)

Just some ideas to improve some QoL:


  • Remove the long character selection menu. Make it shorter. Just remove the intro animations all together. It's a waste of time. Let everyone choose a character at the same time. Obviously, the characters are locked if chosen so you'll have to be fast or ask someone to let you play them instead.

  • Give a tip on the character selection menu to hover over the character you want. A lot of people do not know about it.

  • Combine both maps. Make it an event possibly, so we can have the best from both maps. Skull town with Harvester would be amazing. Also, make the map have a longer range to reduce multiple enemy teams from 3rd partying. It's fine, but being 4th or 5th partied is a huge negative impact to casual lobbies.

  • Please configure the chance of gun spawns. I run into 2-3 buildings and can't find a gun except a Mozambique and P2020 at times.

  • Stop adding boxes to get to higher places when Pathfinder or Revenant benefit from being able to get there. If everyone can get there, then what's the point in using Revenant or Pathfinders abilities. Revenant is already a weaker Pathfinder.

  • Stop blocking geography in small places. Let us climb up a little higher. It's not a big deal.


  • Revenant Q does 20 damage instead of 10. ULT range increase. Enemies cannot use your ULT. Passive makes him wall climb faster. Increased climb height slightly.

  • Lifeline Q cooldown reduced. ULT increased arrival time.

  • Mirage Q has 3 uses that recharge (similar to Caustics traps recharging). ULT makes him completely silent while in his ultimate. Increase ULT time by 2-3 seconds. Remove the decoys created by using his ULT. This is now a offensive (while still can be used to escape) ability now.

  • Caustic Q traps activate faster. Traps have slightly increased range. ULT has slightly increased range. ULT charge rate decreased. Make it take a little longer to be able to use it. It charges too fast as it is and I'm a Caustic/Revenant main.

  • Wraith Increase her hitbox. Remove Naruto running posture. ULT doesn't protect you from storm damage (that way you can't win final circle by constantly teleporting back and forth with your team.) Enemies can no longer use your portal. Give enemy portals a orange color similar to how Gibraltars dome shield color is different.

  • Pathfinder (this one is going to be controversial) Q can be destroyed by enemy gunfire while ziplining. Give his zipline a hitbox. ULT can also be destroyed by enemy gunfire (500 HP on the ULT zipline) Pathfinder can only have one zipline ULT at a time. Old one disappears upon creating a new one. Reduce passive animation of activating beacons.


  • R99 Decrease fire rate slightly. Decrease odds of finding a R99 in the map. I see multiple R99's in certain buildings.

  • Havoc Reduce recoil slightly. Decrease clip size from 32 to 30.

  • All snipers Increase headshot damage. Should be a down on a headshot if the enemy has white or blue helmets. Purple and Gold helmets prevent a one shot headshot down.

  • Alternator Increase damage slightly or make hammerpoint rounds also apply to this gun.


  • Mozambique Royale! Make it the only gun available in the map!

That's it. I hope this doesn't trigger anyone. Just my idea. I do believe Wraith and Pathfinder need slight nerfs, but overall I love this game and the community is full of people who want to get better at the game.


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