Respawn wants us to spend all of this money on these events, in which I do. I have the Wraith Heirloom, the Lifeline Heirloom and Pathfinder's Heirloom and yet… Every time I am going off in a match I get booted. Right when I am the kill leader, in Ranked when I have points and it's late in the game.. IT NEVER Fails!!! Then to make matters worse, I get a message yesterday after being booted again, saying "You have used all of your chances". I have not once went AFK. I have not once backed out. I have 800 gig internet speeds hardwired to the router and running 326 mbs. I don't have a bunch of friends on my friends list, and I have a PS4 Pro with tons of space.
Now today I get booted mid RANKED game with points, mid battle about to get more. Trying to make it to Diamond is hard enough with BOT teammates, but you guys at #Respawn and #ApexLegends decide to give me a 6:50 penalty and take 100 points, for something that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR… Smh.
Aye yo this #Apex game!
EA and Respawn too