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Updates that will most likely come to Season 4


  • Mirage Ult: Reworked to Dummy's Dance Party Ult
    • Since Dummies Big Day, people having been saying that the dummy's dance party ult is a much better ult than Mirage's current one. This is a big possibility. The evidence is all there. The dummy's ability is the same animation of Mirage using his decoy. The description of the mode is "This game ain't gonna test itself." But what if they're actually testing to see what people think of the dance party ult for Mirage. As a Mirage main, I feel this rework would be pretty good.
  • Wattson Ability Buff: Buff the damage, fence damage resistance or fence capacity.
    • The reason why I know Wattson will get buffed in some way is the same reason why they buffed Gibraltar. Gibraltar used to be the least used legend in the game. Why? Because his hitbox is the size of a dropship (Not really btw). Since his hitbox was so big he was easier to hit. So when the devs noticed how Gibraltar wasn't being chosen as much as everyone else, they gave him a buff so he'd be more playable. And then another and then another. Now he's pretty damn strong. Current Wattson is in the same place now. She's the least used legend in the game. Mainly because she takes more damage, her fences can be easily destroyed and her ultimate is not as strong as it used to. Plus, this map is more open, making it easier to spot and avoid/destroy her traps. It's true she can be good late game but all defense characters are.
  • Lifeline Buff: Support team with more heal potential.
    • Now that Gibraltar is a tankier verison of Lifeline (Faster revive and faster healing inside shield), Lifeline will most likely get a rework or buff that will make her different from Gibraltar. Don't get me wrong. Current Lifeline is still really good. But because Gibraltar is a slightly better choice than her, the devs will probably buff her so she's better at supporting her team with heals.


  • G7 Scout: Max Clip reduction or decrease accuracy per shot.
    • G7 does devastating damage right now. I've notice WAY more use from it nowadays and for good reason. It's not because of the double tap hop-up (Although that is a contributor from time to time), but because of it's base damage. The reason why I know G7 has a high likelihood of receiving an adjustment is the same reason why the Wingman was adjusted with a smaller mag size and more hip spread per shot. Nerfing the base damage for a sniper wouldn't be a good adjustment. Instead they may reduce the ads accuracy per shot or increase the amount of recoil per shot. Or do another Wingman adjustment and reduce the mag size.
  • New Hop-Up: Adding a new Hop-Up to the game. What will it do?
    • Every season Apex adds a new hop-up to the game. Season 2, Hammerpoint and Disruptor Rounds. Season 3, Anvil Receiver and Double Tap Trigger. It only makes sense that they'll add two more Hop-ups to the mix. The main question is, what? My theory is a muzzle flash Hop-Up, Charge reduction timer for the Charge Rifle and new Sentinel, or Heal reduction rounds. It could be anything.
  • Re-45 Hop-Up Buff: Giving the Re-45 a hop-up to buff it.
    • The Re-45 is one of the only guns that isn't the best even with all the attachments. P2020 is a good example. By itself, the P2020 is weak because it doesn't do that much damage. But with Hammerpoint rounds it can be a viable option. Reason why the devs did this was so players would have more options for weapons late game. They tried doing this with the Re-45 and Alternator with Disruptor rounds. But because of how OP they were on Alternator, they were taking out. I have a strong feeling they're gonna bring another Hop-Up to buff the Re-45.


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