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Yes caustic counters exist.

I'm kinda tired of hearing people say that there's no counter to a caustic…there certainly are.

there's 3 hard counters to an enemy caustic.
friendly caustic
crypto EMP
revenant's silence

there are several soft counters to caustic
blood hound's scan
crypto's drone
wraith's abilities
pathfinder's abilities in some circumstances
i'm sure theres a few more i'm forgetting but this is just off the top of my head.

as a caustic main i know the thing i hate the most is throwable spam setting off my traps faster than i can put them out…so ya there's throwables as well as a hard counter…so can we please stop complaining about "ThErEs No CoUnTeR tO CaUsTiC!" when there are at least 3 hard counters to an enemy caustic?


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