2 question, one to BZ 75 owners and one to people that completed the VZ55 grind. :)

BZ 75: Is it an overall downgrade Tier for Tier from the tier 9?

So the Tier 7 was ''ait'' but the problem wasnt the BZ 58 itself but rather that tier 7 HT's are really nice and this one wasnt. The tier 8 BZ 166 was complete and utter dogshit but i am really anjoying the BZ-68. I think thats more because of how utterly bad the BZ 166 was so it is nice to have a useable tank. BUT the few times i have met and fought against a BZ 75 it feels like I have the superior tank. I am able to snipe his weakspots easily and kill him with decent DPM and great Alpha combined with actual useable gun handling statistics. I am afraid the BZ 75 will be an overall downgrade, and i experienced this recently with the 705/A. The tier 9 705 felt much better than the tier 10 705A as an example.

The people that have grinded the VZ 55 line: Is it worth it to get the top Belt and the 2 Engine Upgrades on the VZ-44-1? Or should i skip em?

I just had a fairly decent match in the VZ 44 and got a lot of XP, and this is how my current reasearch tree looks like as with this match i was able to get the top gun.

Also last, how was the format of the post? easy to read and understand? I am trying to improve. 🙂

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/10kauh5/2_question_one_to_bz_75_owners_and_one_to_people/

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