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50TP is not a good tank.

Having just completed my 150th battle with the tank, on my grind for the 60TP, I can say that I do not get this tank. It's supposed to be a heavy tank, but it's literally penned nearly everywhere from any tank even slightly below its level. What's worse is that it tends to miss shots 1/3 of the time, even with a good crew and when it does manage to penetrate armor, the damage has been almost always 250-400 with very rare pockets of high strikes above 550 for me.

I just don't get it. It can't sidescrape, it can't hulldown, it can't penetrate, and its damage is often wildly all over the place, even during the rare high damage hits. What makes it worse is the grind for the bigger TX gun is over 64K, with an additional 34K for the tracks and 40K for the engine, making it wildly difficult to farm in any reasonable amount of time.

Has anyone else felt like giving up on this tank?


Also, what is with all of the absolute blow out games this week. Almost all of the games I've played, regardless of Tier have been so ungodly one sided that it's either get steamrolled, or steamroll them. What is the deal?


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