A few reasons why you should get the 121B…

  1. It's pretty sexy ngl. I'd smash it.
  2. Good gun handling, put vert stabs and you're in for a carnage.
  3. Very good DPM.
  4. Insane pen. Standards are alright, but Gold pen is fucking busted.
  5. It's actually fun to play unlike most tier 10s.
  6. Pretty cool mobility. having a turbo on it makes it feel like a T-44, except it has…
  7. Reliable armor (at least on the turret). you can be sure you will bounce most shots on your turret.
  8. Best view range in the game.
  9. Unlike the M60 Patton, it actually has some camo. Not impressive but it's there.
  10. Shell velocity will make you feel like you're playing the Waffenträger event (yes, it's nearly as fast as a "silver bullet" or "gungnir" shell.)

There you go, if you have 15 000 bonds leftover, you know what to do. No need to thank me.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/16t0o77/a_few_reasons_why_you_should_get_the_121b/

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