A quick anecdote of why I love the sandbox

So I was driving around in the Fury Sherman [you know, not exactly the most well armored, OP tank ever] because I wanted to see how good or bad spamming HE out of that thing would be with the HE changes [BTW the answer is bad].

Anyway, I'm driving along and an enemy Comet crests the hill and rushes me. A tier 7 medium, balanced mostly around high DPM and good gun handling, is rushing my tier 6 medium that has basically no armor.

Oh no! I'm doomed!
…except no, because this guy is apparently the world's biggest idiot and is only firing APCR at me and, as a result, his effective damage and DPM is cut by 25% of what it should be. He gets me to less than 100 health remaining… and then he dies. Truthfully I wasn't the only one shooting him, but this is an important part of the new meta.

If you stubbornly stick to the old meta of "shoot as much spremmo as you can, as fast as you can", you're gonna get screwed. If you can rub like, 3 braincells together and try and figure out what situations are and are not actually appropriate for regular AP or premium HEAT/APCR, then you will be rewarded. This comet could easily have killed me and moved onto my other teammates if he fired regular AP at me like someone with a brain at least the size of a softball, but he didn't, because he's stupid, so I lived and he died.

I can't wait for this to go into the live server [HE changes notwithstanding].

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/f3y7bn/a_quick_anecdote_of_why_i_love_the_sandbox/

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